Skincare MISTAKES that are ruining your skin

 No matter how hard you try to take good care of your skin or how pricey the products you use are, if you do these skincare mistakes you are very unlikely to get the  clear skin you dream of. Let me share them with you so you can avoid them and improve your skincare routine.

1. Using too many different products:

I know you might think that the more products you use the more benefits you will get but it's very far from the truth.

 If you don't know what you are doing you might use ingredients together that shouldn't be mixed like vitamin C and retinol for example ( if you want to know all the ingredients you can't mix together, get my EBOOK on everything you need to know about skincare, I tell you all the ingredients you can't mix). Mixing some ingredients together can make them cancel each other out and therefore make you waste your money. But it can also cause a bad reaction and irritate or damage your skin so you need to be careful. 

By using to many products you could also be using some that don't fit your skin type. If you want to know more about skin types and how to know which skin type you have, you can get my EBOOK, I tell you all you need to know about it.

In addition to that, you could overwhelm and irritate your skin by using too many different products. Especially if you use too much active ingredients like AHA/BHA and retinol and benzoyl peroxide. Less is always more when it comes to skincare, listen to your skin and not the trends you see on tiktok.

Lastly, you could be using products in the wrong order and don't get the full benefits from them. You should always be using water based products before oil based ones. Get more info about the correct order of applying prodducts in my EBOOK

2. Not having a skincare routine according to your skin type AND climate.

To care for your skin you have to use products according to your skin type obviously, you already know that. However, the climate is also important to take into consideration when choosing products and unfortunately it is too often overlooked. 

If your climate is dry you will need more hydration even if you have an oily skin type. On the other hand, if your climate is very humid, using too much hydrating products could cause your skin to be too hydrated and this is the perfect breeding groud for fungus.

If you notice flakes around your nose or in your eyebrows you may think your skin is dry and you should hydrate it more. Actually this might be dandruff that you have on you face and hydration won't solve it at all. You can actually use dandruff shampoo on your face to solve it.

3. Not reapplying sunscreen.

Wearing sunscreen everyday is super important to protect your skin from the UV rays and to avoid premature aging and sun damage. I hope you already know this and wear your sunscreen consistently.

 However, a lot of people overlook the importance of reapplying sunscreen during the day. You should reapply sunscreen every  3-4h to make sure your skin is still well protected against the sun.

To reapply it, if you don't wanna mess up your makeup with the cream or if you don't want the sticky feeling on your hands, you can  use sunscreen in the form of powder or stick. There's also sunscreen in the form of spray but you still have to massage it into your skin. If you use this or regular sunscreen to reapply, make sure to wash your hands before doing so.

If you want to learn more about sunscreen and how to choose a good one, check out my EBOOK, I have a chapter entirely dedicated to sunscreens.

I hope this article helped you and if you want to take your skin to its full potential and know everything about skincare, get my EBOOK. I spent years researching all the videos and article about skincare so you don't have to. Get all this valuable knowledge at a very reasonable price.
